Mission Shares In our United Methodist Church
We have a local operating budget for the expense of doing ministry in our community. This includes our pastor’s salary, building maintenance and utilities. We also have a portion of the budget for mission and ministry beyond our church. This is called mission shares because we join with other United Methodists around the country and the world to contribute our share toward the mission and ministry of the UMC as a whole.
Here are some of the ways this money is used to do God’s work:
World Service Fund - supporting missionaries and mission work around the world
Black College Fund - supporting 8 historically black colleges in this country
Africa University Fund - supporting Africa University built by the UMC in 1991 in Zimbabwe
Ministerial Education Fund - supporting seminaries and education of clergy Pensions and Benefits for retired clergy
Camping and retreat ministries around New England including our Camp Mechuwana in Winthrop, Maine.