Thank You Parade for Pastor Tom
The Peoples United Methodist Church congregation is blessed to have the leadership of Pastor Tom Frey. As the one year mark of the Covid Pandemic approached, we wanted to thank him for keeping our church family safe and connected. Transitioning to Zoom church services and committee meetings, daily email updates which included ”stories”, prayers, concerns, and scripture did just that.
One member had an idea - Surprise Pastor Tom with “A DRIVE BY THANK YOU PARADE” and thank you notes.
Our congregation gathered at South Portland’s Boy’s and Girl’s Club and the notes, letters, and cards written by members were collected in a specially decorated “Thank You” box. Separate vehicles kept people safe while we drove past the parsonage as Pastor Tom stood on the front porch. Sincere thank you greetings were expressed by each car. Horns blew as people waved and displayed signs of gratitude. It was a great success and a great day!
The Garden Club
The Garden Club was established in 2006 by Marlene Tordoff for the purpose of maintaining and building upon the Lorraine Hodgkins Memorial Garden, which was installed years earlier by Lorraine’s daughter, Andrea Harvey. Additions to the gardens over time, included a granite memorial bench in memory of Robert “Bob” Porter by his widow Barbara LaPrino Porter.
A new memorial garden was installed along Ellis Hall with hydrangea shrubs and two memorial stones in memory of Guy and Ruth McLellan by their daughters Susan McLellan Plaisted and Ann McLellan.
The club has organized many plant sales, returning some of the proceeds to the general fund of the church and using a small portion for garden expenses. The club has organized garden tours, featuring member’s own gardens.
We welcome new members, whether you are a novice hoping to learn more about gardening, a Master Gardener, or just willing to help with weeding and watering!
For more information, please contact Doreen Gay, Garden Club Chairperson
Mystery Ride
For more information, please contact Dan Doughty, Mystery Ride Organizer
“Where are we going?” Participants will find the answer to that question only after following the instructions and answering the questions. One Sunday each fall folks gather after a Sunday morning worship service with their packed picnic lunch, hop in their cars, receive their instructions and head off from the church in faith that they will arrive safely at the mystery destination. The instructions do not say the street name or route number people will travel but instead give directions such as: “Turn left on a wide road.” That would translate as, “Turn left onto Broadway.” Fun questions are asked along the way that engage children and adults. A typical question might be: “What street on your right is named after our first president?” Answer, “Washington Avenue”. If the weather is favorable, the mystery ride might lead to a popular picnic destination. If the weather is inclement, everyone returns to the church fellowship hall. Lunch is eaten together and folks find the answers to all those questions and see who did best following instructions. Fun prizes are given to the team who gets the best time and answers the most questions correctly. This is a great fall activity for all ages.
Maine Pandemic Deaths
We honor and remember each life lost to the pandemic. Each strip of cloth represents a death in the state of Maine, reminding us of the world situation.